Volunteer & Donation Management Plan Template
This template was created to support your plan development for volunteer and donation management. The plan incorporates FEMA's latest National Response Framework guidance to ensure continuity of planning best practices among organizations, regardless of discipline or geographic area. It integrates National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles.
Job Tracking Tool
Job searching isn't exactly a joyride. However, injecting a bit of organization into the process can significantly alleviate the grind. Introducing the EM & Public Health Job Tracker -- a tool crafted to streamline and enhance your job search experience. Staying organized shouldn't be the painful part of landing your next opportunity.
What is Logista Labs?
Logista Labs is where we build ideas to make a difference for disaster responders. All too often we're asked to achieve the impossible without the right tools. We want to give you something that makes that easier.
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Come back frequently and see what we've cooked up. Don't forget to subscribe to our mailing list so you know when a new tool comes out.